Levi Strauss Community Day

I’m Ronnie Simpson and I will be volunteering at the Polk Street out of the closet we were going to be dressing the mannequins and the windows in a gay pride theme since gay parts coming up in June, 2011.
we’ve got a nice turnout today so we’re
really excited that you’re here we want
everyone from the Levi’s the Dockers of
the denizen and signature brands to be
able to participate today my name is
Jonathan and today i’ll be going up to
Coit Tower pulling weeds and cleaning up
the park should be great fun
hi I’m Ronnie Simpson and I will be
volunteering at the Polk Street out of
the closet we were going to be dressing
the mannequins and the windows in a gay
pride theme since gay parts coming up in
June the end of june so it’s going to be
awesome I’m super excited
my name is Gabby I’m the Levi’s girl and
I’m working with girl up today a United
Nations Foundation campaign we’re going
to go to a high school and a middle
school and educate young girls about
what life is like for girls their age in
developing countries hi my name is wick
today I’m volunteering with a northern
California family dog rescue I’m looking
forward to seeing all the dogs and
enjoying the nice day
my name is andy shaw and i’m building
the clothes drying I think it’s hugely
important that we that we do this that
we have an opportunity to give back to
the community hi I’m jameelah Hubbard
and I’m the ambassador for the Francisco
middle school volunteer MA and that’s a
part of the Buddy Program so every week
I go to the school and I mentor one of
the middle school kids and then working
with her for about two and a half years
and it’s just like one of the reasons
why because we have this opportunity hi
my name is no lo and they are working on
a recycled khaki patrick panels quilt
for give respect or the mission of the
organization is system relationship
abuse and to teach people about the
league healthy relationships to be able
to take a day away from the desk and to
participate in that community
conversation is really important I think
it’s amazing i love the fact that we
were giving back to the community
especially during this time did you know
like lots of things are going on bat in
this world so it’s very late great set
you know we’re actually giving back is
awesome just amazing