Levi Strauss | Lateefah Simon

it’s important for folks to be on the
ground with bull horns
negotiating at the highest levels and
while that’s extremely effective those
voices from the streets
need to meet the courtroom and the
highest halls of justice
for there to be systemic change my name
is latifah simon
and i’m the executive director of the
lawyers committee for civil rights
the mission of the lawyers committee is
marshal the private bar to fight for
change for 40 years
they’ve been organizing top tier
litigators top tier litigators in some
of the biggest firms in the country
in the same way similarly to have
organized young people on the streets
we fought cases in front of the supreme
court we’ve desegregated the fire
department here in san francisco
we pushed through litigation where there
was a dissent decree filed
before my birth where the schools were
in san francisco this organization we
ensured that poor people all over san
francisco had access
equal access to low-income housing we’ve
done significant work here
that i’ve actually personally benefited
from leadership is not the person who’s
at the front of the line in the protest
it’s not the person who’s speaking at
the press conference the leader is
someone who decides to stand
up in the face not only criticism
but doubt and they do something
for legal help if you get arrested
levi foundation was one of the few
funders when i came to them years ago
and i said you know what i run an
i’m 20 i’m the youngest we got about
eight hundred thousand dollar budget we
are all ghetto girls we all got babies
and we will change
the face of san francisco the program
officers believe me
daniel it’s latifah from the lawyers
committee how you doing i’m calling to
thank you for
your participation in last week’s event
what’s going to be hard is getting us
grounded and humble enough to really
hear what people are saying
real folks in real community what
they’re going to demand for this
organization to do so
my work is aligning the staff now and
aligning the board
to take some real serious risk and to
move from our laurels
i said to the staff the other day i said
the sacred cows let’s cook them and eat
now the question is how do we move past
immediate and systemic and how do we
really become a cornerstone for existing
that’s going to be interesting there is
going to be civil unrest out here today
and again because we don’t we need to
really figure out other avenues
to organize this is one of the few ample
where people feel like they can organize
what i will do with the attorneys
is bring in a whole new way of thinking
i’m trying to bring in a flood
of experienced litigators who call
themselves community lawyers to train
these attorneys both the senior
attorneys and the junior attorneys
if you are indeed embedded and committed
to social justice work how do you need
to speak the exact same language as your
clients and
vice versa you should be a trainer and
your client should be a trainer
because if you believe in any one moment
that you’re better than the client or
this client can’t be trained not only to
speak for themselves
but to understand every step of the
process then you’re in the wrong
who could imagine i mean i think about
my grandma she lived in
jim crow south she worked to clean
if she was to be able to articulate you
know my granddaughter
will get paid
to talk about freedom that’s crazy that
is so
darn cool i’m very lucky