Breaking Down Our Water Action Strategy

Michael Kobori, VP of Sustainability for Levi Strauss & Co., discusses our 2025 Water Action Strategy.
a levi-strauss and company were really
excited to announce our new water
strategy this strategy has been informed
by experts and it really updates us to
be more thoughtful and sophisticated
about the challenge that we face around
the world on water some places have a
lot of water some places don’t have so
much that they may run out our new
strategy focuses on what is appropriate
for each of those areas in areas where
water is really scarce and they may be
writing out we’re gonna have much
stricter guidelines so we’re really
gonna focus on how do we minimize our
water footprint to make sense for the
people and the communities and industry
and agriculture in those areas in
addition to the amount of water then
we’re gonna be using and asking our
suppliers to focus on and reduce we also
want to make sure that we continue to
focus on water quality we’ve had water
quality standards in place for 20 years
we’re gonna continue that and we’re
gonna make those even more stringent
through the work we’re doing to reduce
hazardous chemicals and their discharge
consumers are gonna see our water
efforts show up on the product we have a
designation for our products called
water less it means products that use
less water our goal is to achieve 80% of
all of our products being made water
less by 2025 ultimately we want a
hundred percent of our products to be
made using less water