In Good Company – Jenny Calvert Rodriguez

We are nothing without our people. The people who are driven each day to build upon the long legacy of Levi Strauss & Co. We’re ‘In Good Company’ with Jenny Calvert Rodriguez.
foster relief is something of the
red-top foundation does often but I’ve
seen in this summer and fall with
hurricane Harvey in Irma and Mexico
earthquake and the Santa Rosa fires just
all in a series really for the first
time I’ve seen the company come together
to make sure employees are cared for and
well in a way that I haven’t had in my
experience there’s one particular retail
employee who was impacted by the Santa
Rosa fires who we’ve been putting up in
a hotel and she lives with her brother
so we were able to put both of them in
the same hotel room and keep them
together while they were really going
through all this tumultuous times about
what was happening with their house she
was saying to me the other day
having him by my side through this
experience is something even as valuable
as having a roof over my head