Profits Through Principles

Levi Strauss goes Public Again
this is the second time that you guys
IPO what’s it like it’s you know I was
not here for the last time around but
it’s exciting is exciting to get back on
the public to exchange that you know I
did take highest public ten years ago
and so I come from a public company
background you know our brands really
heart or results are really really good
and you know the management team has
been around for a long time and really
think we can take it to the next level
you guys chose to do a dual class share
structure can you explain to me why yeah
sure because that’s the only way the
family would have allowed an IPO and the
today our dual class structure the tend
toward you know on wording basis but
economic interest is very very similar
across all shareholders the good news
for us is from a governance perspective
the management is a completely
professionally run team right from CEO
down you know across all the management
layers and our board is independent you
know general eleven members in the board
are independent chip our CEO is not and
we have two family members and they are
committed to running the stamina to the
long term you know we were seeing a lot
of big IPOs this year we’ve got lyft you
got uber and we got you guys what was
that like what did you guys feel like
you were competing at any point with the
tech IPOs no not at all you know we’ve
got our wonderful brands nobody has our
brands and everybody has a Levi’s store
you go across you know it came became
very evident during our road show
everybody we met start you know talking
about a levi story and
for 160 years as different to our other
you know folks who are trying to raise
money we are a real company we’ve been
here for a hundred 60 years we make
money and we pay dividends and you know
there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be
around for another 106 years I hope that