Levi’s 606 Super Slims

Our Fab Favorites asks LS&Co. insiders for the low-down on their top picks from the Levi Strauss & Co. Archives.
I’m Tracy Panik historian that Levi
Strauss and company and I’m excited to
be here in the archives with Paul
O’Neill he’s the designer for Levi’s
vintage clothing we work very closely
together and he’s picked one of his
favorite pieces from the archives an
unusual pair of super Slim’s from the
1960s these are one of my favorite
pieces because I was simple they are and
have contemporary they feel if you look
at these you’ll notice that there’s no
arcuate on the pocket which is very
unusual I think it’s the only denim pant
from Levi’s that I’ve ever seen without
an RQ on the pocket something else which
is quite unusual is this black table
with the orange writing this garment is
actually a precursor to orange top so
this is the first time we see the six on
six jeans and they had this black top
with the orange writing which later
would be reversed to be orange top which
we’re all familiar with which is the
orange top of the black writing
yeah no backpack and also this amazing
flasher which feels super contemporary
and who were what with the customer who
are we targeting for this month well I’d
say when we started this this one’s for
Mike I guess this one is or I believe
this one is from 1966 when we first used
the 606 because all the references are
telling the doctor well I think when we
started this in 1964 was essentially it
was still called the super stands like
you can find it in the catalogues and
that was when we really went to target
like the college kids and like the youth
so I would say this is essentially the
first fashion play for Levi’s like the
early sixties we’re now focusing on
young kids we’ve got the white top line
and then the super slams and the stretch
and this is all really focused on the
young market