Care for Our Planet

By changing the way you care for our product after purchase, you can significant reduce its overall environmental impact. Wash cold, wash less often, line dry and donate after use. At Levi Strauss & Co., we’re building sustainability into everything we do. Join the discussion on Twitter: #care4ourplanet
at Levi Strauss and company we care for
our planet by building sustainability
into everything we do so we commissioned
a lifecycle assessment of two of our top
products Levi’s 501 jeans and Dockers
original khakis to understand their
environmental impact the results
surprised us more than half the impact
occurs after the product is purchased I
had no idea I thought it would be more
on the manufacturers side as it turns
out you can make a big difference in
part by washing in cold water I actually
already washed in cold water because and
it’s likely you’re washing our products
more often than necessary anything like
self cleansing on the hook after once or
twice I use them I wash them another way
to make a big difference is lime dry I
would definitely be willing to line dry
some of my laundry yes by simply washing
and cold
reducing the frequency of washing and
line drying you can reduce the
environmental impact of your jeans and
khakis by up to 50 percent you can also
donate your clothes when you’re done
with them did you know 20 3.8 billion
pounds of clothing ends up in US
landfills each year what about yours
we either donate them to Goodwill or one
of those type of charities my mom she
has a bunch of friends that have kids
and everything so I just give it to them
that’s right your clothes may still have
years of life even if you’re ready to
replace them that’s why we formed
partnerships around the world with
organizations like Goodwill they could
put your used clothes to good use in
fact when we remodeled our San Francisco
headquarters we used more than 25
thousand pairs of blue jeans recycled
into denim insulation at levi-strauss
some company were rethinking how we make
our products so they’re more sustainable
from jeans made with less water to using
more environmentally friendly cotton but
we need your help I think it’s very
important to be environmentally
responsible if I’m not then who’s gonna
be we need to make a big change it sound
like investing in your future so
remember you can help care for our
planet with just a few simple steps wash
cold wash less line dry and donate join
the discussion on Twitter with the
hashtag care for our planet