Factory Workers | Service Corps

A look at the first LS&Co. Service Corps trip, to our partner facility in Haiti in 2015.
you know we’re very I think we’re very
lucky and that you know we are given
decision-making power back in San
Francisco and that has a direct impact
on people’s lives out in the field and
the countries where we procure goods so
the more context we can add to those
decisions I think the better I don’t
think that people realize they think
we’re going to a vendor and it looks
nice and clean on this sides I want to
spread awareness that they’re so lucky
and they you know they fight and argue
about silly stuff at the warehouse
sometimes and that’s so trivial compared
to not having clean water to drink or
enough to eat or even a home that
doesn’t have holes in the roof to go to
go home to we take so much for granted
and I feel like people need to see this
in order to understand
like you can’t begin to understand how
much people how much people are working
every day to make things better here and
how much the struggle really is so I
think that the things that I’ve learned
I will definitely be sharing with people
outside once I get back it’s a very
humbling experience to fully see what
goes on behind the scenes not just with
our clothes but with the community I
think that this awareness has is pretty
life-changing you know and I think a lot
of people should experience this you
know there’s not a lot of companies out
there that can say that they’re doing
the things that Levi’s are doing you
know focusing on factory workers their
well-being investing money for a group
of employees to come and see it
it makes you very proud to say you work
for Levi’s