Levi Strauss | Culture

Here’s a first-hand glimpse of the culture thriving at the core of Levi Strauss & Co.
it feels very exciting to be a part of
Levi’s stress there’s a lot of change
happening and seeing how that comes to
life every day is really exciting what I
think is really awesome about coming to
work at Ellis & Co is that we’re
absolutely a non-hierarchical
environment so I’ve had the opportunity
to speak with leaders all around the
globe I’ve had the pleasure of traveling
to our regional offices and Brussels and
Singapore and everyone is so
approachable and so human and we bond
over our passion for these brands it’s
Ellison codes different from other
workplaces you work on many different
things so my job in particular I’ve
worked on a men’s collection the women’s
collection I’ve worked on tops and jeans
and and everything so it’s really given
me the opportunity to kind of grow and
work on all sides of the business I get
to work on looking at how company can
provide more value through
sustainability so how the company can
reduce its environmental impacts how it
can provide social value through all the
different countries where we have
operations where people are working and
on making products every day
I think Ellison pose is definitely a
place that nurtures its employees to
strive for something else in something
bigger with a company I started working
as a seasonal at our Union Square store
and then from there there was a posting
that they were opening a new shop is
this shop I inquired about it and I did
what I had to you know the interviews
and everything and I think that’s just
kind of a testament to how good the
company is as to letting you move within
and move forward with your career the
reason I came to work at levi-strauss is
because of the value in the vision that
they have around using our profitable
growth to restore the environment as a
designer to be able to integrate the
management of water consumption energy
consumption co2 output into your process
and become responsible as a designer for
that that’s a really powerful advantage
and it’s what motivates me to do my job
better I constantly have conversations
with people throughout the company about
stuff that we’re looking at doing in the
future and there’s just a lot of energy
and enthusiasm