Levi Strauss | Vincent Pan

I think what we’re trying to do is
change the world so that works for
everyone Vincent pan executive director
Chinese for affirmative action for us
social justice is defined in a very
broad way and understanding how
different people have been oppressed
because of race or gender or orientation
or class the pursuit of equality the
pursuit of diversity that inclusive as a
process and we never sort of getting to the
place where you can check that box off
as being done and the moment that we
think we can do that at the moment we
lose the games that have been made other
generations before us we remember iconic
figures like dr. King or Malcolm X but
the reality was there were hundreds and
thousands of other leaders organizing
through their churches or at the bus or
in the schools in the courts in
community-centered I think that
leadership to point o is just
understanding that those are the leaders
we’ve always been doing the work and to
help this next generation understand and
appreciate that essentially they’re the
leaders that they may have been waiting
for one of the things that’s special
about CA is that it’s always been
supported by the community and that’s
given us a high degree of flexibility to
take on issues that are more
controversial to challenge institutions
or people who have power but oftentimes
the burden of creating change gets
placed on community leaders or community
workers who don’t have access to the
resources to really do the job that they
want to do
I think companies like Levi Strauss
we’re willing to step up and own a
problem to share the work you know for
that to happen is critical it’s less
about what does Levi Strauss provide CAA
or what does see his partnership with
Levi Strauss but it’s having them be a
part of that mix all of us whatever the
year or the time period need to look at
ourselves as a society and to the degree
to which we’re creating a world that
works for everyone as we look at these
questions of the fairness of opportunity we
need to have an approach that
understands we can’t really move laws
without moving people we can’t move
people without moving laws