LS&Co. Community Day

This year marks the 15th anniversary of Community Day at Levi Strauss & Co.
community day is hands-down my favorite
day of the year here I just love it
because of Mike robbery because it’s so
much fun because we’re helping the
community it’s just a great day all
around community day it’s all about
camaraderie I think one of my first
times was I met my team for the first
time I was hired in May of 2012 whatever
it was and I met my team for my first
time but secondly it was also an
opportunity for me to meet new people so
I think it was a great chance to you
know meet someone who’s been with the
company for for 20 years and you know
oftentimes I hear stories of people
meeting executives so I think it’s a
really good opportunity to have the
entire company kind of at a
cross-section doing something good for
the environment for schools for whatever
the cause may be
I’m really excited this year to
participate in community day as an
ambassador or for an amazing project and
I think especially because this year
marks the 15th year anniversary of
community day and el Cinco it’s a great
opportunity for everyone to get involved
and really get out there and leave your
mark on the community